Friday 11. October 2024
18.00 - 22.30 CET: Race bibs collect (check-in) in the House of Culture in Čadca
After 23.00 CET: Quiet hours in the Elementary school's gym (accommodation for participants)
Saturday 12. October 2024
05.30 - 06.40 CET: Race bibs collect (check-in) in House of Culture in Čadca
07.00 CET: Collective start from Matičné Square in Čadca
09.45 CET: End of time limit for K1 Zákopčie, U Holých
12.00 CET: End of time limit for K2 Ochodnica
17.30 CET: End of time limit for K3 Dlhá nad Kysucou, pohostinstvo Kamenišťák (pub)
20.15 CET: End of time limit for K4 Semeteš, U Cipára
Sunday 13. October 2024
01.45 CET: End of time limit for K5 Kasárne, Penzión Javorník
04.45 CET: End of time limit for K6 Portáš, Horská chata Javorka
08.30 CET: End of time limit for K7 Beňadin
11.00 CET: End of the 28 hours total time limit, end of the event